Requirements for Barbers, Beauticians and Manicurists
Purpose of Licensure:To set standards of qualifications, education, training and experience for persons engaged in the fields of Cosmetology and Barbering and to promote high standards of professional performance for those persons working in the profession.
Period of Licensure:
All permanent licenses are issued on an annual basis from May 1 to April 30 of each calendar year.
Temporary Licenses are issued for three (3) months.
Application Process: - Temporary and Permanent Licenses:
Applications must be completed entirely and legible. Initial Application Requirements:
- Completed and notarized application;
- Three (3) 2x2 photographs of applicant;
- Two (2) professional references;
- One (1) character reference;
- Official school transcript identifying number of hours completed in respective field should be sent directly from the institution;
- Verification of License from another state;
- Valid Health Card;
- Verification of Social Security Card;
- Passport; or if naturalized please provide certification and or a permanent resident identification card;
- Payment of Requires Fees.
Application Process - Apprentice License:
Applications must be completed entirely and legible. Initial Application Requirements:
- Completed and notarized application;
- Three (3) 2x2 photographs of applicant;
- Valid Health Card;
- Letter from a Licensed Cosmetologist, Barber, Manicurist or Aesthetician whose direction, supervision and training apprentice will be working under.
- Passport
- Social Security Card
- If naturalized please provide certification and or permanent resident identification card
- Payment of Required Fees.
Required Hours: The following hours are required for permanent licensure in the respective fields:
Cosmetology | 1000 Hours |
Barber | 500 Hours |
Esthetician | 250 Hours |
Hair Braiding | 150 Hours |
Manicurist | 150 Hours |
All persons interested in becoming a licensed Barber, Cosmetologist, Esthetician Hair braiding or Manicurist
in the Virgin
Islands are required to sit a written and practical examination. The practical examination is administered in
July and October of each year and the theory examination is computer-based offered online weekly through PSI Testing
or call
(800) 733-9267.
Renewal of License Requires:
In order to renew both a professional and or business license, visit the Department of Licensing and Consumer
website,, and follow the simple steps in order to obtain a reference
number and choose your payment option.
A favorable tax approval is required and shall be provided electronically from the VIBIR.
Non-Refundable Application Fee | $50.00 | Hair Braiding | $130.00 |
Practical Examination | $100.00 | Apprentice | $39.00 |
Written Examination | $200.00 | Temporary License | $13.00 |
Beautician | $65.00 | Beauty Salon | $97.50 |
Barber | $65.00 | Barber Shop | $97.50 |
Manicurist | $97.50 | Manicurist Salon | $130.00 |
Esthetician | $130.00 | Initial Shop License | $195.00 |
Cosmetology School | $260.00 |
Mailing Addresses:
Attention: Nathalie Hodge
Administrator, Boards and Commissions
V.I. Board of Real Estate Commission
Department of Licensing and Consumer Affairs
Golden Rock Shopping Center, Suite #9
Christiansted, VI 00820-4311