Requirements for Electricians, Electrical Contractors, and Journeyman Electricians
Purpose of Licensure:
To set standards of qualifications, education, training, and experience for persons engaged in the electrical
field. To
promote high standards of professional performance for those persons working in the electrical field. To ensure that
engaged in work in the electrical field is licensed.
Period of Licensure:
All permanent licenses are issued on an annual basis from
November 1 to October 31 of each calendar year.
Application Process:
Applications must be completed entirely and legible. Initial Application Requirements:
- Completed and notarized application;
- Three (3) 2x2 photographs of the applicant;
- One (1) letter of favorable character testimony;
- Two (2) letters of professional reference from a licensed contractor along with their proof of certification, while having knowledge of the applicant’s work in the electrical field;
- At least five (5) years’ experience in trade as a journeyman ;
- College or trade school transcript identifying courses and/or degrees in the electrical field should be sent directly from the institution;
- Verification of registration and/or licensure from another state;
- Payment of Required Fees.
All persons interested in being a licensed master electrician are required to sit an examination. The
examination is computer-based
offered online, weekly, through PSI Testing Services, LLC,
or call
(800) 733-9267.
Journeyman Applicant must have been an apprentice or worker in the trade for at least four (4) years, training under a licensed Master Electrician or an Electrical Contractor.
Licensure for Master or Electrical Contractor
(after successfully passing examination):
Any person holding a Master Electrician's License issued in the Virgin Islands may, upon application to the
Board, be
granted an Electrical Contractor's License without the necessity of taking a written examination if he/she meets all
other requirements:
- File with the Board, in such form as the Board requires;
- Proof that he/she carries all insurance required by law, including but not limited to, workmen's compensation and general liability insurance;
- Be able to prove to the Board that he/she is financially responsible;
- Show that he/she has a regular place of business at a specified address in the Virgin Islands. Address of business should be in a business zone as regulated by law and should be kept open during usual business hours;
- A person serving as such representative under such license shall devote full time to the business for which the license is issued and shall personally sign applications for certificate of electrical inspection.
Journeyman Electrician Requirements
Initial Application Requirements:
- A completed and notarized Journeyman application;
- Applicant must have been an apprentice or worker in the trade for at least four (4) years, training under a licensed Master Electrician or an Electrical Contractor;
- The Board may elect to allow the applicant to apply no less than 1500 hours of study in an accredited, approved school towards the experience requirement of paragraph one (1) above;
- Applicant must submit a letter from his employer and three (3) 2x2 passport size photographs of self;
- Registration fee of $50.00;
- Tax Clearance Letter;
- A letter from his employer certifying the journeyman’s apprenticeship
- Signed Conditional Agreement between Journeyman and Employer.
- A journeyman card, valid and approved by another municipality or community of the United States of America may be considered by the board or given credit. This card must be kept up to date and not be expired by more than one (1) year and not revoked for unprofessional conduct.
** Please note that holders of Master Electrician's Licenses shall not employ more than one full or part-time apprentice or journeyman electrician.
Renewal of License:
In order to renew both a professional and or business license, visit the Department of Licensing and Consumer
website (, and follow the simple steps in order to obtain a reference
number and choose your payment option.
A favorable tax approval is required and shall be provided electronically from the VIBIR.
Required Fees:
Non-Refundable Application Fee | $50.00 |
Examination Fee | $200.00 |
Journeyman Electrician | $50.00 |
Master Electrician | $130.00 |
Electrical Contractor | $130.00 |
Mailing Addresses:
Attention: H. Nathalie Hodge
Assistant Commissioner, Office of Boards and Commissions
V.I. Joint Board of Electricians, Plumbers and HVAC Contractors
Department of Licensing and Consumer Affairs
Golden Rock Shopping Center, Suite #9
Christiansted, VI 00820-4311