Governor Bryan Nominates DLCA Acting Commissioner H. Nathalie Hodge as DLCA Commissioner
On Monday, August 6, 2023, Governor Albert Bryan Jr, announced H. Nathalie Hodge as his nominee for the Commissioner of the V.I. Department of Licensing and Consumer Affairs (DLCA). Known professionally by her middle name, Nathalie, Ms. Hodge is set to succeed the former commissioner Richard Evangelista, who has transitioned to the role of Government
House Chief Legal Counsel.
Ms. Hodge is no stranger to the DLCA. "I have worked at DLCA for the past 24 years. A devoted public servant, I have been promoted through the ranks and in various positions during my tenure at the DLCA, beginning with the oversight of an FDA Grant, to my current position, as Assistant Commissioner. I have played an integral role in advising on human resources matters, the grievance process, developing policies and proposing statutory amendments, as well as being a key player in the development of our online system and other internal systems for the efficiency of our operations", said Ms. Hodge. Additionally, Ms. Hodge has had oversight over a plethora of departmental functions, including business operations, budgeting, administration and management, and eight professional boards and commissions.
"That's right Virgin Islanders, we're getting our money's worth out of this one," Governor Bryan quipped while discussing Ms. Hodge's vast expertise."
In response to her nomination, Ms. Hodge conveyed her profound gratitude. She extended her thanks to Governor Bryan, her family, and former commissioner Evangelista for consistently backing her. Recalling her progressive journey within the DLCA, she vowed to uphold the legacy of her predecessors and expressed her unwavering commitment to the Bryan Administration and to the residents of the U.S. Virgin Islands.
"Today I am honored and humbled by Governor Bryan's nomination and his confidence in my ability to lead the Department of Licensing and Consumer Affairs," Hodge said. She continued, "When approved by the 35th Legislature, I commit to continue the work of my predecessors, that of the Bryan/Roach administration, and that of the people of the United States Virgin Islands."
Ms. Hodge is a graduate of the St. Joseph High School, on St. Croix. Governor Bryan shared that Ms. Hodge's academic pedigree also includes having earned a Bachelor's degree from Point Park University, as well as a Master's degree in Management with a focus on Human Resources and Contract Management, from Florida Institute of Technology.